The Deep O.C.E.A.N. Personality Assessment
Unraveling Your Personality – The Cornerstone of Personal Development, Thriving Relationships, and Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose!
- Discover your strength and align your life accordingly to your personality.
- Understand your motivators and gain clarity about your behaviour.
- Live in harmony with yourself by aligning with your personality and your role in life.
* substantiated by over 1000 studies.

Dicover your personality
Unveil Your Inner Essence: Discover What Truly Drives You at the Core!
Shape your relationships for a fulfilling life
You really want to get to know yourself?
And you want to understand other people?
- Do you want to discover what really drives you at the core?
- Do you want to know why you regularly fail at the same challenges over and over again?
- Do you wonder why your colleagues or partner do what they do?
- Do you often feel misunderstood and somehow different form the people around you?
Then Deep O.C.E.A.N. can help you as a scientific personality assessment to get on the track of the uniqueness of your personality and to shape your life.

Our personality influences all aspects of our life.
The Deep O.C.E.A.N. assessment
Have you ever wondered what truly defines you, what your full potential entails, and how you can harness it to lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life?
Deep O.C.E.A.N. provides a unique glimpse into the depths of your inner personality—an opportunity to better understand and explore yourself.
Deep O.C.E.A.N. is more scientifically proven and precise than any other personality analysis.

With now over 1000 current studies, Deep O.C.E.A.N. stands as the most scientifically substantiated state-of-the-art tool in personality research.
- It differentiates beyond the common 5 factors with 10 aspects, providing a significantly more nuanced analysis.
- It has been researched and improved for over 80 years.
- This results in a significantly deeper and more accurate depiction of your personality, with clear pattern recognition and actionable recommendations that go far beyond most personality models.
Your great advantage:
It is easily understandable, practical, and at the same time, deeply researched and consistently refined for over 80 years.

The most scientifically substantiated model of personality analysis.

State-of-the-art instrument in modern personality research.

The gold standard of personality research in business, politics, and industry.
Become the architect of your own life.

Deep O.C.E.A.N. helps you…
Get to know and understand yourself better, enabling you to live your life with more serenity and confidence
Deine Stärken zu erkennen, um in deine volle Kraft zu kommen.
Recognize your strengths to unleash your full potential.
Deine Emotionen zu verstehen und mit ihnen umzugehen und sie klug zu nutzen.
Understand and manage your emotions wisely, harnessing their power to your advantage.
Gain a deeper understanding of your partner, anticipate potential conflicts, and build fulfilling relationships.
Learn to navigate and understand individuals with diverse personalities in your surroundings.
In three steps to your
Deep O.C.E.A.N. assessment
This is how Deep O.C.E.A.N. has transformed my life.
Choose the personality analysis that suits you best!
How deeply would you like to dive into Deep O.C.E.A.N.?
BASIC €197
Test with debrief
- You will receive complimentary access to Deep O.C.E.A.N., granting you lifelong access to your personality assessment.
- Additionally, you will receive a 30-minute evaluation session tailored to your Deep O.C.E.A.N. assessment, providing initial insights into the psychodynamics that significantly influence you, your relationships, and your developmental journey
Test with debrief and coaching
- You will receive complimentary access to Deep O.C.E.A.N., providing you with lifelong access to your assessment.
- Additionally, you will receive a 90-minute coaching session, which includes a 30-minute evaluation conversation and a 60-minute solution-focused coaching session tailored to the topic that is most important to you at the next step.
- You will also receive an in-depth explanation of the psychodynamics that significantly influence you, your relationships, and your developmental journey.
- Furthermore, you will have a follow-up solution-oriented coaching conversation focused on a specific topic of your choice.
Sign up now and participate for FREE in the Deep O.C.E.A.N. Masterclass!
(Just in german yet.)
Discover your personality now!
Align your life with your strengths and unleash your full potential!